Friday, March 13, 2015

My Skin Care Regimen During Pregnancy

Believe it or not  we all do not get the privilege of having flawless skin during pregnancy. I remember at the beginning getting comments about my beautiful pregnancy glow during my first pregnancy and then came the acne. This pregnancy I'm making an effort to control getting so many breakouts and so far so good. I have had a few bumps but no biggie. In this video I'm sharing my update skin care routine that has been working out pretty well so far.

How did your skin change during pregnancy?
What helped keep it under control?

 This video was recorded at 20 week but the thumbnail is from today(24 wk.1 day). 


  1. Its amazing how different techniques work for different people! Oil cleansing makes me break out horribly -- but it works great for you !

    1. It is amazing. Some of my other friends say it does not work well for them either but for me many things I tried even the natural or home made gives me eczema on my face. Ugh...glad I found something that works!
